Monday, August 27, 2012

My first ever blog post

Well... here we go. My name is Giovanni, my friends and family call me Gio (I've been called other names too, some good, some bad, but for space reasons, I will stick to Gio), I'm, at the moment I'm writing this, 35 years, 5 months and 9 days old. I've got a beautiful wife, who's one of my best friends and a 2 and a half year old son, who's my life and for whom I'm partly doing this...

I've been thinking long and hard about blogging for several reasons and several years, until today, day I decided, it was time. My reasons are mainly 2, but I have more, which I may or may not reveal as the time passes, also since reasons could change, but mainly my 2 reasons are: first, when I arrived in Asia I wish I could have found a blog for a young manager to read that would give me pointers and experiences on how hard or easy could be to manage people from a culture that, can look for some, as alien as managing in an unknown planet. Second, I don't have many friends here and the ones I got are, for lack of a better word, 'busy' and we don't meet or talk much, so I thought this could be a good outlet for me to talk to everyone and no-one at the same time.

I won't publicize my blog to people I know, instead I want people who are looking for subjects I'm talking about, learn from my mistakes and experiences and maybe ask me questions or comment in my topics. From the beginning you should know I welcome all questions, posts, critics, hatred letters, etc. Learning is a life-long experience and I want to learn from everything and everyone, in fact this blog will be a big learning experience for me, even if no one reads it :)

I'm doing this for very selfish reasons as well as trying to help whoever I can. I read many managerial books and blogs in my life, most of them beautified versions of bullshit and unpractical things which are so hard to do, that when you can do them, they don't apply anymore or don't work the way they should, others gave me very little I didn't know or they were just plainly a waste of time. My first and only advice in my first post here is "apply as much common sense to your management as you can, no matter if what you're planning to do applies or not to the managerial methodology your company adheres to". Common sense is not a common thing, even for authors writing books... I really hope here you can find something that can help you with your career or life in general.

I will divide my blogs in several areas, going from technical to personal, so enjoy the ride... if you have time, are interested in what I have to say, or just bored and want to read something from someone you probably don't know.

For all you who will 'potentially' read me, please bear in mind, English is not my mother language, but I thought I could reach more people in English (universal language of business and technical geeks like me), than with languages I manage much better as Spanish and Italian, but if you have questions in those languages, please feel free to write to me in them and if I think your question will serve others, will do my best to translate it into English to the best of my abilities to enrich the conversation. I really hope there will be people out there who will want to read my blog, but if not, I will continue writing and maybe some day my little dude will read them and understand daddy a bit better. if you think my blog could be better written better, you want to correct my grammar and/or syntax, then go to hell... hahahaha, nah, just kidding, please let me know, any comments or suggestions will be more than welcome, they will be deeply appreciated.

So you know how I look, here's a picture one of my staff took of me in one of our outings together:

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